Sunday, May 21, 2017


The weak hates the brave because the brave reflects the person they are NOT.

The weak hates the brave because they are insecure of what the brave can do and they are so desperately mimicking the courage of the braves but they lack that inner confidence that could blossom into a real act of courage.

And since the weak are weak, all they can do is try to hurt the brave ones. The braves are like a tree full of beautiful fruits, and the weak are those people who are too weak to climb the tree and too dumb to build a ladder to reach the fruits, so all they (the weak people) can do is stone the tree to get the fruits.
The weak people never care if they are hurting others. Because the weak are too weak to make their mark in this world but they are desperate to have one, so they never care if the mark they are leaving is actually a scar.

But brave people are strong... Hence, a lot of weak people hate them because of what they can do, of what they are capable of, of what they can accomplish in spite of the odds.

Insecurities make the weak weaker and wicker and full of hatred.

And brave people grows...
And these traits that grow inside them makes them capable of loving, of caring, of compassion.

And the bravest act anyone can do for himself is to FORGIVE.

for those who cannot forgive are the weakest.