Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Old And Wise

An ordinary day's lone activity... write a letter to your 10 year-old self...

Dear Me,
A decade, so how it has been so far? got your guitar last year and now what? I say, yet another year.
If you would ask me what you should do now because of course I'm too way ahead of you, well, simply... you should have the guts... the guts to fight for what you really wanted to do. Look at me now, late 20's half to the goal of becoming a doctor but will never be anymore. uhmmm, a frustrated artist, an art that has never seen and will never be, the beauty that will never have a name. A scary writer, pure soul in a dark cell, no one will ever hear.

Though I never really have regrets of what I've become, cause the sicker you get the wiser you become, and when you're dead, you're the smartest. But it would be nicer if you could be whatever you really wanted to be.

Falling in love, I know you're far smarter than your age, that even before Taylor Swift realized that love is more than just dating the hot guy on the league you knew it by now, kudos! You're smarter than anybody else cause you really got it by hands with a firm grip and no, you will never lose it. But happiness is not about being too careful, it is about learning and learning is about making mistakes. Yes, it is alright to commit mistakes when you will be fifteen. But learning is not just about making mistakes, cause I tell you, there are a whole lot of mistakes in the world and if you want to commit them all just to learn, then nothing will be right in your life and when you're old you'll realize that you've spent too much in commiting them and now you're too old to do what is right. So here it is, yes, it is alright to commit mistakes but learn from other's mistakes as well so that it would not be necessary for you to make the same mistakes.

Pain, there will come a time when pain will really hit you right off bat and it will hurt like a belly flop... worse actually. You will think that you will lose your head and as if you will die in each and every second, but always remember that God will not give you something that you cannot bear, so if He gave it to you, well that means He knew that you can handle it, and if God has faith in you, who are you to doubt yourself?

Bad people, there are lots of them and one day someday you will meet someone that will have the guts to hurt you. One day someday someone will cheat at you but remember, when relationship fails because he cheated, its not your fault. It is his choice. It is not your sin, it is he commiting a sin. And when the time comes you find out about it, never back out, leave him because I'm pretty much sure... actually I am very sure that there is someone out there who will love you right and will never have the guts to cheat and hurt you, and if you will not listen to me and you will continue to stay with that cheating man, then you are wasting your precious time being with the wrong man when in fact you could have been with that right man now so don't waste yet another day because spending a minute with the wrong man is a minute waste of being not with the right one.

Happiness, you should know that when the time comes that you will have to choose between what is right and your happiness, choose what is right. Because happiness is fleeting, and when all the happy moments are gone all what is left of you will be guilt and that would be a very sad thing. But if you choose what is right, well, you might shed a tear about it but when everything is said and done, you will sleep safe and sound knowing that you did what is right and yes, happiness is something we pursue, so pursue happiness in the right way.

Worth the wait... this is something that you will only appreciate when it comes. There will be moments that you will cry for waiting too long enough like it has been forever, but it will come to you . I swear. And when it is there you will just smile with that perfect bliss inside your heart as your mind and soul rejoice with your heart and you will sigh and say "IT WORTH THE WAIT". He will come, the man that will love you and will stay with you for the rest of your life, the man that you would wanted to build your family with, the man that you would wanted to spend all the sunsets and all the sunrises of your life. The man that you would wish have came sooner before you've been hurt, but that is the thrill, he will come when you've learned that he is the one and when that time comes... NEVER and never let him go. Love him with all your heart and with all your strength because he worth it. And yes, he will come when you will be at my age right now.

Life, live it like there is no tomorrow and like there is always tomorrow. Live it like as if it is your last but live it as if you will never die. The difference between a wise and a fool is that both of them are brave but the wise knows his limits.

Stay happy because that is what God wants you to be. Heaven is a place here on earth. You can build heaven anywhere you are. And yes, before I forget, heaven is the place where you are wrapped in his arms and each and every breath of love you will thank God and you know that someday there will be a story to be told to your grandchildren about someone who WORTH THE WAIT.

your older self,
YOU (me)