Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Confessions Of A Liar (Part 2) : The Benefit Of The Doubt Beyond Reasonable Doubt

It was pass midnight and I was about to fall asleep while my mind was dancing in a silvery moonlit dream while my body was on my bed. Suddenly a thought popped up in my mind while it was in the middle on an elusive imagination.

I thought – “If I don’t have the key to the door, I can always knock… I’ll knock until the door crashes down.”

It might sound very encouraging to anyone who is on the verge of losing hope and falling into an abyss of despair. But here is a little secret that I would want to share (so it won’t be a secret anymore).

If it is life… then it must have had a story.

Here is (just) a chapter of the story.

There are a lot of responsibilities that we must respond to in our lives. And sometimes, or even more often, as we respond to those responsibilities, we sacrifice a part of us.

I guess, sacrifice is a part of our everyday lives… and that humans were born naturally good because we unselfishly sacrifice every day.
Or is it because we really don't have a choice?

Writing is an art of words and a good writer can make a fact sounds like a fiction and a fiction like a fact. But either way, a writer always had a reason why he/she wrote it.

Being a Christian, I write stories about hope, about beautiful things in life, about the brighter sides. But the ugly truth is that, sometimes they are lies.

I have to lie for the sincerest reason – that is to inspire. I have to talk about hope and being hopeful even though I’m the one who is hopeless. I have to talk about how beautiful life is even though my owns eyes can’t appreciate its beauty because my own life is a mess. I have to talk about the brighter sides when in fact; I believe that the grass can NEVER be greener on the other side.

My words can twist a lie but my heart knows the truth.

This is my sacrifice.

If we have to live each day with a sacrifice… then death would be much sweeter.

For death is not a life that ends but a life that has been lived.

This is my confession... A lying mouth with an honest heart.

I wonder if there is someone who really knows my truth because it is not even quite true what I talk about.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Loud Silence

It’s a long way from there to here…
Longer way to go back…
But the longest is the way to where you are.

Do you have any clue of what it is like to be next to you?
You don’t cause you are you and you can never be next to yourself.

Then I tell you
It is a rush
Like a crashing waves
Like a falling rock
Like a hanging dry leaf that clings to the bough.

I don’t have the key to your heart
So I guess I’ll just knock
But you seem not to hear me
So I guess I have to knock harder
And if you still ignore me…
I’ll knock till your door crashes down then we’ll be face to face.

Does the river know where He is going?

And if He doesn’t…
The universe conspires.

I wish my path will end before your face
But if it doesn’t…
I hope your heart will lead you at my front door
So I will not lock it
Till you dare to come in.

I’m tired but I keep on walking
Cause… It’s a long way from there to here…
Longer way to go back…
But the longest is the way to where you are.