Saturday, February 28, 2009

(False Evidence Appearing Real)

I close my eyes and dream away...
I saw a spark... then another spark... then another until I found myself in the middle of a vast blue curtain speckled with millions of diamonds... I'm in the middle of the sea. The water is deep and scary, the waves are growling in every dance of the boat like a hungry lion wanting to swallow me up without mercy. It is horribly at rage, it is angry... but beautiful... still beautiful. How can someone be so mad but could still look beautiful? I guess it is another irony. Life wouldn't be so beautiful without madness, without anger, without failure. Will a cake be a cake without the flour?, the egg?, the salt? If you taste each of them alone they don't taste good... but when you mixed them all together, you got a cake.
Failure is not something to be scared of... it is something to be overcome.
I realize the meaning of FEAR... for I fear my own destiny. I wanted to runaway from it. But then I thought... I can't run from my destiny... because when I run... I'm only making myself closer to it. So I have to live the moment. I have to feel the fear until that same fear gives me courage, I have to feel the madness until that same madness gives me inner peace, I have to hear the noise until that same noise brings me silence, I have to feel the pain until it hurts no longer, I have to dance in the darkness until it becomes my light, I have to feel the toilsome burdens until it gives me rest, I have to feel the anger and the hatred until it springs forth love, I have to live life until it finally kills me.
Sometimes the price of a moment is eternity... but sometimes, it worth it.