Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ms. John Tucker

Well perhaps it is true that once a habit will always be a habit, that a born John Tucker will always be a John Tucker – if you know what I mean. Perhaps people will always be the same, the same old fools that could easily be fooled and will always have a piece of dirty clay within them. I could hardly imagine a better change for humans than the way I could picture a cow jumping over the moon.

I’m nothing against her… this is just the truth, though.

She is the kind of a lady every girl wished to become. No one could actually hate her except for the bitter ache that the venom of envy could do. Insecurity is the only reason to hate her. Every guy would take a second look on her once she passes by. I hope you get the picture. She is just simply perfect!

She is like nectar that attracts all the bees. But sad to say, I am NOT a bee. I know from the start even before she became a friend of mine (we are still friends, though) that her nectar is a sweet poison that could sting anyone who dares to sip. I knew it. As what I’ve said before – I can see the black out of whites, the white out of blacks and the gray in between.

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity! But what is vanity? I would definitely be one on the lead protesting about the world’s greatest lie – the meaning of vanity.

O! Beauty that a Mac can make… they call it vanity, but it isn’t. I would definitely say that those ladies who wear their make-ups everyday and dress in a very fashionable way are the truest essence of “HONESTY”. I mean “HONESTY” – because they do NOT pretend to be simple knowing that being simple is the hardest thing we could ever become. It is true, though. They know to their selves that they are imperfect and they admit that they need all those stuffs for confidence sake. It isn’t vanity but rather honesty to wear the colors of Mac. I appreciate those ladies who wear the truest essence of being humble – of letting other people know how imperfect they are without these colorful masks.

On the other hand, hypocrites, I would say, could be so deceiving. They would go out without a tinge of red patch on their faces, no trace or sketch of make-ups… whoa! How simple – right?! But ladies are masters of crafts that could bewitch men. Ladies know that simplicity could turn a man around and say – “O! She is definitely a “woman-to-marry” type of a lady.” But behind that hypocritical simplicity lies a lurking filthy flirtatious character that wants all the bees to sip into her nectar and eventually die for her stinging spell. I would say that those ladies who try to be simple are hypocrites to the bone – they are the certified flirts who know exactly all the strategies on how to throw a curve ball right between the eyes of men.

Now, who wears the mask of vanity? Who is the liar?

I pity those men who fell from the stingy curse of her charm. But more than my pity for those men, I pity her more because her attitude is a poison within her being. It is like a lurking guilt but she seems to be too numb to be convicted by her conscience.

“O! Vanity of vanities… all is vanity!”

I pray for the pride beneath the beauty so amazing to behold but too bitter to taste.