Lab Dx.
After a thorough research and study, I’ve finally arrived to this lab. Diagnostic vital of a certain strain of heterogeneous toxin. This toxin had long been existing ubiquitously and its mortality rate surpassed even the most pandemic disease the world has ever had and it is believed to be (still) the most fatal (and will always be).
This toxin is called T-L (i.e. Toxin-Lab). It is composed of intangible pseudo-chemical biologically active enzyme-like molecule capable of penetrating the cardiac muscles of its host. Once infected with this toxin, the patient will eventually suffer from myocardial infarction secondary to tachycardia prior to hyperventilation (i.e. heart problem secondary to palpitation prior to severe nervousness). A seldom yet more severe problem might rise prior to myocardial infarction, that is anaphylactic shock (i.e. lost of consciousness/syncope) but NOT due to IgA deficiency but because of the fact that the human body cannot produce immunoglobulins against this toxin. Some people believe that in such case of anaphylactic shock, MMR (i.e. touching one’s mouth with another mouth) is a good therapy, but I DISAGREE. I discourage such hoax because the fact that the incumbent anaphylactic shock is secondary to hyperventilation, MMR therapy would only increase the risk of the patient to develop metabolic alkalosis (i.e. systemic disorder) in which the patient tend to inherent different signs and symptoms such as Tularemia (that is NOT acquired from the P. tularensis bacteria), mild schizophrenia, hyperthyroidism (but with NORMAL LEVELS of thyroid hormones), and ADHA syndrome: (i.e. day dreaming, hallucination, hyperkinetic, and lack of concentration respectively). Another complication of MMR is the increase risk of acquiring Histoplasmosis (i.e. Darling’s disease) in which 70% of such cases lead to paranoia, depression, anorexia, sore eyes secondary to congestive heart failure, and sometimes, psychotic suicidal attempts.
The only known reservoir of this toxin, sadly, is the human beings (too). This toxin can either be inherited or acquired. Toxin-Lab can be inherited via genetic engineering of DNAs of XX and XY chromosomes that eventually begets another specie of the same genus. Acquired Toxin-Lab is due to exposure to some radiations, chemicals, and surgery. Those people who have this toxin in their systems are called “T-L carriers”. T-L carriers could either be asymptomatic or symptomatic. Symptomatic carriers produce mild to severe disorders. Mild disorders such as diabetes mellitus (i.e. increase sugar levels in the blood thus they tend to be overly sweet) and trismus (i.e. lock-jaw) secondary to P-acute syndrome (get it?) can lead to severe disorders such as hydrocephalus secondary to brain emphysema (i.e. enlargement of the head due to the presence or accumulation of air in the brain better known as ARROGANCE), edema of the face (i.e. metastasis of the skin of the face that leads to overly thickness resembling callous), and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome secondary to anasarca which is actually a much severe form of the latter.
These T-L carriers are NOT exempted from acquiring the same infections such as with those non-carrier beings. Actually, everyone is at risk. You’ll never know if the one sitting beside you inside the shuttle might be a carrier or worse, infected with that toxin. And since the human body cannot produce immunoglobulins against this toxin, reinfection and recurrent of the latent infection usually occur.
Patients who are suffering from reinfection usually develop another disorder known as the McFarland (i.e. standard basis medium) syndrome. McFarland syndrome is characterized by psychological disturbances of both the left and the right hemisphere of the cerebrum where in the patient tends to compare the latent infection with the current one. The usual basis is the primary T-L infection.
Again, there is no known immunologic therapy against this toxin but prophylaxes are available ubiquitously. The problem with these prophylaxes is that, patients have idiopathic responses on each dose and kind of prophylaxis. Therefore, since patients’ responses differ from one another, it is best recommended to take at least 3 prophylaxes during risk times.
Recommendation: If “mal-comprehension” persists, consult the GREATEST PHYSICIAN.
Copyright 2006 by Odessa Mann
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